
Yoga vs. Pilates: Understanding Caloric Burn and Other Benefits

 Yoga vs. Pilates: Understanding Caloric Burn and Other Benefits

When it comes to fitness, many individuals are curious about the effectiveness of different practices like yoga and Pilates, particularly regarding calorie burn. This blog post will explore whether yoga or Pilates burns more calories, the benefits of practicing yoga once a week, the concept of opening chakras through yoga, and the convenience of doing yoga online.

Does Yoga or Pilates Burn More Calories?

The question of whether yoga or Pilates burns more calories is nuanced and depends on several factors, including the type of class, the intensity of the workout, and individual characteristics such as weight and fitness level.

  • Yoga Caloric Burn: On average, yoga can burn between 150 to 400 calories per hour, depending on the style. For instance, a gentle Hatha class may burn around 200 calories for a person weighing 160 pounds, while a more intense Power Yoga session could burn approximately 305 calories. Hot yoga, such as Bikram, can increase calorie burn due to the heat and intensity, with some studies reporting calorie burns of 330 to 460 calories for participants during a session.
  • Pilates Caloric Burn: Pilates typically burns fewer calories than yoga, averaging around 180 to 354 calories per hour, depending on the intensity and whether it’s mat-based or reformer Pilates. Advanced Pilates classes tend to be more intense and can increase caloric expenditure.

In summary, while both practices can contribute to calorie burning, yoga tends to have a slight edge, especially when considering more vigorous styles. However, the best approach for weight loss is to incorporate a mix of both practices along with cardio and strength training.

Does Yoga Once a Week Help?

Practicing yoga once a week can still provide benefits, although more frequent sessions may yield greater results. Here are some advantages of a weekly yoga practice:

  • Physical Benefits: Even a single session can improve flexibility, strength, and balance. Many practitioners report feeling more relaxed and less stressed after just one class.
  • Mental Health: Yoga promotes mindfulness and can enhance mental clarity and emotional well-being. Practicing once a week can help reduce anxiety and improve mood.
  • Long-term Commitment: A weekly practice can serve as a foundation for developing a more consistent routine. Many individuals find that starting with once a week leads to a desire for more frequent practice.

While practicing yoga once a week is beneficial, for optimal results in flexibility, strength, and stress reduction, consider gradually increasing your practice to two or three times per week.

Does Yoga Open Chakras?

The concept of chakras originates from ancient Indian traditions and refers to energy centers in the body. There are seven main chakras, each associated with different physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects. Many practitioners believe that yoga can help open and balance these chakras through specific poses, breathing techniques, and meditation.

  • Physical Alignment: Certain yoga poses target specific chakras, helping to release blockages and promote energy flow. For example, heart-opening poses like Camel Pose can help activate the heart chakra, while grounding poses like Mountain Pose can stabilize the root chakra.
  • Mindfulness and Awareness: Yoga encourages mindfulness, allowing practitioners to connect with their bodies and become more aware of their energy levels. This awareness can facilitate the opening of chakras by promoting emotional release and healing.

While scientific evidence supporting the chakra system is limited, many individuals report feeling more balanced and centered after a yoga practice focused on chakra work.

Do Yoga Online

Online yoga classes have gained popularity, especially in recent years, due to their convenience and accessibility. Here are some benefits of practicing yoga online:

  • Flexibility: Online classes allow you to practice at your own convenience, fitting into your schedule without the need for travel. This flexibility can lead to more consistent practice.
  • Variety: The internet offers a vast array of yoga styles and teachers, allowing you to explore different practices and find what resonates with you.
  • Cost-Effective: Online classes are often more affordable than in-person sessions. Many platforms offer subscription models that provide access to a wide range of classes for a fraction of the cost of studio memberships.
  • Comfort of Home: Practicing in your own space can make yoga more accessible and comfortable, especially for beginners who may feel intimidated in a studio setting.

While online yoga can be incredibly beneficial, it’s essential to ensure that you are following qualified instructors to avoid injury and ensure proper alignment.


In conclusion, both yoga and Pilates offer unique benefits, and while yoga may burn slightly more calories, the choice between the two should be based on personal preference and fitness goals. Practicing yoga once a week can provide significant benefits for both physical and mental well-being, and exploring the concept of chakras can enhance your practice. Additionally, online yoga classes offer a convenient way to maintain a consistent practice, making yoga accessible to everyone, regardless of their schedule or location. Ultimately, the key to reaping the benefits of yoga lies in finding a routine that works for you, whether that means practicing once a week, exploring online classes, or incorporating chakra work into your sessions. Embrace the journey, and enjoy the myriad benefits that yoga has to offer!

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